Thursday, June 7, 2007

Musical Thursdays

Thursdays have always seemed to be all about music in this house. Today was no exception. Tess met with two of her newest piano students this morning, helping them choose their first piano lesson books, setting up lesson times, etc. Both girls are very nice and seem eager to begin their individual musical journeys.

Tess also met with Robin....friend, piano teacher extraordinaire, all around terrific person. I love to sit back and drink in these lessons. There is such a lovely connection between these two incredible musicians. It is a joy to behold, to say the least.
Tess as Student
Tess also had more piano students later in the day today, some younger, some older but all nice students to teach.
Tess as Teacher
We topped off the day with a serene hour sitting and talking with my guys, Bill and Christopher, visiting with our wonderful neighbors Roger and Florie, and finally sharing a quiet hour with my girls, chatting, laughing and rocking on our covered swing.
To Work On 020
Till tomorrow.