Mollie worked with one of her harp students...
...while I worked in the gardens, tidying up for fall. Some perennials are at their most beautiful during these last few months before winter sets in...
Robin came by for a rehearsal with the girls. They will play together at the end of September, at CJ Arthur's restaurant, where Robin and Will perform on a regular basis. The girls are thrilled, and honored, to be invited to work with these great musicians. Gardening while listening to their gentle, haunting piano, harp, and flute pieces was paradise.
Later, the girls spent time learning map reading, and math with Bill. The girls asked Bill if he would help them out with these skills and I know that they enjoyed it, as they were gone for hours!
Meanwhile, I baked a batch of Brownies....
....Christopher, just back from work at the library, worked on a project for his class at Harper....
...and Max relaxed before starting off to work at the library. He put in a busy day with school at Harper, and a quick clothes shopping trip to Woodfield Mall with Bill.
The end of a very full day.