Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Beginning of Fall Craft-O-Rama....

We like working with our hands. Yet our creative pursuits have been few this past summer.

Fall seems to bring with it a renewal of our collective creative spirit. Perhaps the cool air, the appearance of vibrant color inspires us.

I have been hand sewing and crocheting since the age of four, machine sewing, knitting, embroidering since seven. I miss these things when away from them for to long.

So begins my new project, a Fall Garland for the living room. Gathering supplies.....

Garland Plans

Fabric Stack


Cutting, sewing, pressing, hand stitching.....

In Progress

Adding a final touch....

Adding Pearls

And viola! A new Fall Garland for the living room.

Fall Garland

I'm back in the saddle.