I went to Home Depot four times (for supplies, not just to photograph him) but he was never there!
The day after the big storm here, Christopher came to me with the news that Jeff indeed was a Home Depot employee. He then produced the business section of lour local paper, and there he was...Jeff in his orange apron...at long last!
So....Christopher and I were talking talk about photos, computers, resizing, pixels, and how funny It would be to print out Jeff's photo REALLY big.
Next thing I know, Christopher is buying foam core board, printing out photos, and preparing yet another mad scientist creation. This is it.....
Yes, it is a more than life size free standing cut out of Jeff. Christopher brought it to a monthly night out with friends, all of whom posed for photos with "Jeff".
I never quite know what Christopher will do next.
Maybe that's a good thing.