This week has been strange. We all seem tired, droopy, not ready to do much except what we either have to do, or are already scheduled to do. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason for our feeling like this, but here we are.
We have taken several photos this week, but honestly are too pooped to upload and post them. Soon....soon....
This week we have done, in no particular order....
Grocery shopping
Flute in homeschool orchestra
Shopped produce market - 20 pounds of fresh Michigan apples @ 39 cents a pound!
Survey (paid) on oatmeal products
Roamed party store, killed time before oatmeal survey
Bill finished up an engineering job he was working on
Gave phone support to fledgling homeschooling mom
Planned, prepared 7 dinners, 6 lunches
Baked an
Apple PieShared a bit of pizza and conversation with Robin!
Worked at the library
Gave harp and piano lessons to 4 students
Orange MadeleinesRehearsed flute with
Arlington Heights Community Concert BandVisited with another homeschool mom, offering a little TLC
Attended a dance class
Sat in porch rocker finishing
"Going Gray", nearly eaten alive by mosquitoes, worth it in order to relax and read there
Creamy Cocoa CheesecakeLooked through photos of Max for project for his 18th birthday next week
Finished reading
"The Four Agreements" - "Nineteen Minutes" - "Tender to the Bone"Gave up halfway through
"Why People Believe Weird Things"...too redundant after several chapters...
Christopher and Max went to Harper classes, wrote papers, studied
Rehearsed harp, flute and piano with Robin and Will for upcoming
CJ Arthur gig
Visited a bit with friends, Gayle and Jamie, who we love, after rehearsal
Survey (paid) on vanilla milk shakes
Went to lunch (with all of us!), courtesy of free
Noodles coupons
Ordered Christmas gift for Mollie, grabbing bargains where I can....
Battled telephone bureaucracy over health insurance for the kids
Searched in vain for Tess's lost
iPod shuffle...yes, the one she just paid for herself...
Organized upcoming October bills
Went with girls to
Walmart and
Payless for shoes and jeans to fit their growing taller and prettier frames....clearance sales on all!
Christopher created another huge photo cut-out, this time of his boss for his 30th birthday
Cleaned out huge recipe box found at Estate Sale, kept a ton of old/new recipes to try out
Had hair french braided by Mollie
"What Matters Most", new Luanne Rice book
Girls did some math and weather related work with Bill
Bill re-plated ring for Mollie, much to her delight
Taking care of Bill, our first fall flu casualty poor guy.
Finally, the usual house tidying and laundry.....
Can't think of much else. So, in the end we
did do lots of things.
At times, I think that we are not doing much of anything. I then backtrack, make a list of things gone by, and realize that much has happened. Maybe, unless it's exciting or somehow over the top, it doesn't feel like it counts?
I will have to pay attention to this.
Maybe I will figure it out...then again, maybe not.