Monday, January 7, 2008

A Beautiful Note from "The Alley Lady"

I received this comment today from Fena, the marvelous woman who designed the beautiful alley here in Arlington Heights that the girls and I discovered this past summer.
The Walkway
I didn't hear back from her until now, and am thrilled by her message. I took this out of her original post as it contained her telephone number, and didn't want to share that with the blogging world.

This then is the message from Fena that has made my day....

Dear Patti,

Oh heart is so touched!! I was looking through an old e-mail account that I have not looked at in months and I found a wonderful message from you about you and your daughter's experience in the walkway. You also left a link to this page in your e-mail. When I opened up this page, I could not believe my eyes!

Patti and everyone else that is reading this...THANKS!!! I am so very happy that the walkway gave you such enjoyment. THAT is my reward! To get such positive messages and touch people's lives in even a small way is a huge reward for me.

Patti, I so loved looking at the pictures that you posted on your site. It was a trip down memory lane as I see the photos with all the flowers in full bloom, as I sit here on this January day. I know what it looked like in the summer but it was great to see it again with fresh eyes.

Interestingly it is nearly 60 degrees on January 7! I went outside to take out the trash and found it to be warm enough to be out without a coat. What do you think that I did? I went back upstairs and got a couple of garbage bags and cleaned up the walkway!!!! Papers had been blown in off the street and there were large numbers of cigarette butts to be picked got to work in the walkway in JANUARY!! Who would ever believe that. It brought back that same peace and contentment that I felt while working out there this summer....sort of like seeing an old friend.

The walkway is magical even for me. As it was created and tended through the summer, it gave me such opportunity to meet wonderful people with their kids and pets. Someone asked me to sum up what my experience of the walkway is...
I feel like this: By giving, you receive. (LOTS!)

By doing something that is so relaxing and enjoyable for myself, I gave myself the wonderful gift of friendships and acquaintances! YOU have no idea how rewarding this has been. Seriously, when I get notes and meet people...and yes they still come in brings itty bitty tears to my eyes! I don't know why this hits such a soft spot for me but it does.

Look at the wonderful friend that I made in Robin! She is a treasure and though the walkway was only a summer thing, our friendship lasts way longer than summer!

I so wish that I would have met you during the summer. Please make sure that the next time you visit, call me so that I can meet you and thank you for this wonderful blog.

I think that beauty brings out I highly suspect that you are beautiful on the inside. I would love to meet you and your daughters!! I saw their great pictures! Nice looking young ladies!! the way...I won an award from the village of Arlington Heights Hearts of Gold Committee for doing the walkway. I am to receive the award on Feb. 2 at an awards dinner along with 9 others that won awards for service to their community. It is great to win awards but every time I get a great letter such as yours...or note...or postcard....that is a real hands on award for me. Thank you.

I am also having a web site built so that we can all share in the walkway year round. It will enable people to make donations to help with the project and it will keep us all in touch. It will have a message board so that people can share their thoughts and so that I can request items for doing the walkway this year.

The theme for the walkway this year is "GROW YOUR OWN MUSIC". Instead of the cute plates, I will be using records and cd's and all types of musical instruments altered to allow for plant material. It will also enable people to sign up for garden work days if they would like to come by and garden or just to meet and hang out with people of like mind.

So, next time you are in the neighborhood, please give me a call and stop by!

Fena.....Or as Robin calls me: "The Alley Lady!!"

Such a beautiful note. The girls and I will surely be involved with our alley this year. Since they are musicians as well, our hearts and hands will be there. I think Fena is a wonder.
Fena D'Ottavio